Saturday, May 19, 2012

Last day of School

Haldee and Reese on their last day of School in the 2 year old class. It's hard to believe our little girls will be in the 3 year old class this year and then off to pre-K. Time really does fly by so quickly, and I love seeing these beautiful girls grow physically, spiritually and of course, watching their little minds take everything in! It's truly amazing to see things through your child's eyes!
Hadlee and Reese
2 years old

Hadlee Grace and Reese Olivia
3 years old

Reese Olivia

Hadlee Grace

Sweet Sisters

Precious Smiles:)

Funny laughs!

Our Bentley Bear

Hadlee with Mrs. Alicia and Mrs. Kelly. The sweetest, kindest
and most wonderful teachers! We will miss them dearly!

A few pics of the girls from their first day of school this year!


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