The girls had such a wonderful day celebrating their 3rd birthday! They woke up to yummy donuts, and opened their birthday presents from mommy and daddy. Then Kaki came up for the day, and they opened more presents, we took the girls to Build-a-bear, saw santa and ate lunch. And to top off a great day of celebrating, we went to dinner with Didi and Pop at Ted's! We can hardly believe the girls are already a BIG 3 years old. They are growing up so quickly, and we are blessed to have our wonderful little family! "Three" has already proven to be an age of change and challenge. These girls definitely know how to stand their ground and make our days very interesting! But, of course they are full of sweetness, precious words, huge hearts and lots of love and laughter:) Love them so much!!
Good morning Birthday girls!!! |
Yummy! |
Ready to open gifts! |
Thomas the elf helped wrap gifts! |
Yay, so excited!!!! Bitty Babies!!! |
Hadlee and daddy |
Hadlee has her baby pack on, ready to go! |
Opening gifts from Kaki |
A bitty baby diaper bag, just what she wanted! |
At build-a-bear! |
Putting her Kitty Cat's heart in |
Washing her bear with Kaki |
Reese's turn |
Washing their kitty Cats |
Reese dressing her bear in a pretty pink dress she chose! |
My birthday Girls! |
Kaki treated the girls to much fun! |
The girl's favorite...the carousel! |
Santa picture!!! |
Lunch at Macaroni Grill! |
Bread:) |
Princess Barbies from didi and pop! |
A fun day with all their gifts! |
dinner at Ted's with didi and pop |
Reese being a baby...her new thing, since turning 3 |
Yummy tortillas |
Sopapillas!!! |
Singing, "Happy Birthday" |
They weren't sure what to think! No tears, but Reese did hide! |
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