Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Dazed!

Day 1: What a beautiful sight to wake up to...SNOW!!! I'm not sure I've ever seen snow fall so fast and drifts so high. We watched it snow all day, and loved every second of it. It was definitely worth that trip to Grocery Store on Monday!

The sun came out after the girls woke up from their nap, and Haynes returned home (he was out working with a friend clearing parking lots. Not an easy task in this blizzard)! The girls loved looking out at the snow, and felt the need to put on their hats!

Day 2: We are all starting to get cabin fever around most I'm sure! Thankfully, our friend's the Coonces live across the street, and came over for dinner last night. However, entertaining two restless 2-year olds after three days of being in the house is a daunting task. See below...

Painting and stamps in out PJs! 

After a nice long shower with the three of us girls, we made snow ice cream. However, the girls found the snow to be too cold to touch. And upon making this tasty treat, I realized I was out of vanilla extract. But, wait I did have rum extract...why not, what's the difference? Well, a lot, but it wasn't so bad...they didn't know the difference and we all need a little taste of Rum on a day like this:)

Our next to do, a new train set. A Christmas gift from Kaki and Papa we hadn't opened, yet. All these new toys are coming in handy!

Bentley is seriously bored, and I think we're driving him nuts:)

Finally, Haynes arrives home on a large piece of machinery. A dozer, I believe! A welcomed sight for our driveway and this mom, who is about go bonkers!

Hi Honey!

At last, the girls are outside in the snow. They enjoyed walking around in it, and thought it was funny. Of course, it wasn't funny when Reese's boots got snow on them, and she had a melt down:) Most importantly, we were able to get in our car, get out of the driveway and head to Outback for dinner! A much needed outing! Yippee!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats hilarious about the rum extract!
    They look adorable in the snow pics!
