Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our Birthday Fiesta!

Such a fun night celebrating our birthdays with good friends! Thanks to our sweet friends, the Daniels and Cervis for throwing a party with a yummy taco dinner, drinks and a fabulous cake. They went above and beyond! It was a fun night to seeing our friends, and enjoying a special evening!

Cutest birthday Cake!

My two wonderful friends and the party hosts!

Love all these sweet girls that made the night so fun!

Make a wish! 

Birthday peeps!

On the spot...Happy Birthday to you!
All the yummy food prepared by Nicole and Laura!

Stella made an appearance before heading to bed!
This girls loves a good party:)

Mike and Raegan always get Haynes a funny shirt!

Birthday pic with Winston, the show dog!


Enrique and Haynes

Love my Raegan!

With Blake and Jessica

The boys enjoying the evening!

My precious friends threw a fabulous party! Love these two!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

July Fun!

Lots of fun times at the cabin and visiting at Kaki and Papa's! Summertime couldn't be anymore fun or busy for our family:)